History of the Shire of Gatesedge

Roll of Gatesedge Heralds

Champions 2016
Our Story-Chapter 1
Our Story-The 1st Event
History Links
Our Fallen Stars
Our Fallen Stars 2
Service Awards
A & S Awards
Knight Marshals
Rapier Marshals
Archery Marshals
Reeves and Exchequers
Arts and Sciences
Virtual Scribes
Champions 2005
Champions 2006
Champions 2007
Champions 2008
Champions 2009
Champions 2010
Champions 2011
Champions 2012
Champions 2013
Champions 2014
Champions 2015


List of Our Heralds
These fine gentles with the funny job titles like pursuivent, soltice, arbalist and others like this work tirelessly to blazon devices and register our equally funny sounding names from distant times and lands. Without them, our awards would not be reported, our lists would go unannounced, our nobel's courts would be silent, and our halls would be barren of banners. Vivat to our tireless Heralds!

Premier Officer-Fedelm ni Uidhir ?/90-12/93

Jamish Bruce "Jamie" MacTamish 1/94-8/95

Nickolaous Demetriu ho Toxotes 9/95-4?/98

Steafan mac Thamhais aka Stephan Macthomas 5/98-6?/00

Serena (Seren)Gethin 7/00-8?/01

Annes Clotilde von Bamburg 9/01-9/03

Mattias Gottlieb 10/03-8/04

Snorri Hallsson (formerly Steafan mac Thamhais aka Stephan Macthomas) 9/94

Mattias Gottlieb 10/04-5?/05

Donnchad de Pixley 6/05-3?/06

Engenulf de Vienville 4/06 to 7/08

Open-8/08 to 10/08

Gregor MacBeathain-10/08 to 10/10

Robert of Colsford-10/10 to 12/12

Open 12/12 to 3/13

Micolay Haiduk-3/13 to 8/13

Presently open


Many thanks to Racheal no Ansteorra who researched the existing "Over the Edge" newsletters in her archives to help put together this list. Hopefully, the question marks will be able to be eventually erased with solid dates put in if and when I ever have the time to look into the files I have for the historian's office to see if I can clear up the questions. Input from the populace's memories is solicited and welcome.